Wednesday, March 17, 2010

ReSetting Form Fields

function ClearAll()


for (i=0; i0].length; i++)


doc = document.forms[0].elements[i];

switch (doc.type)


case "text" :

doc.value = "";


case "checkbox" :

doc.checked = false;


case "radio" :

doc.checked = false;


case "select-one" :

doc.options[doc.selectedIndex].selected = false;


case "select-multiple" :

while (doc.selectedIndex != -1)


indx = doc.selectedIndex;

doc.options[indx].selected = false;


doc.selected = false;


default :






Sunday, March 14, 2010

New Features in .Net 4.0

.Net 4 has introduced some exciting new features. Here are some of them listed below. I will take an overview of these (which i have used) features as c# develope

Dynamic Lookup (New to C#)

C# added a new static type named dynamic. Although there is a lot that goes into making this new type work, but using it is eady. You can think of the dynamic type as an object that supports late binding

dynamic Car = GetCar();               //Get a reference to the dynamic object
Car.Model = "Mondeo"; //Assign a value to a property (also works for fields)
Car.StartEngine(); //Calling a method
Car.Accelerate(100); //Call a methods with parameters
dynamic Person = Car["Driver"]; //Getting with an indexer
Car["Passenger"] = CreatePassenger(); //Setting with an indexer

Named and Optional Parameters (New to C#)

Named parameters were in VB only, and now are finally being incorporated into C#. As the name suggests, optional parameters are parameters that you can (have option) to pass into a method or constructor. If you opt not to pass a parameter, the method simply uses the default value defined for the parameter. To make a method parameter optional in C#, you just give it a default value

public void CreateBook(string title="No Title", int pageCount=0, string isbn = "0-00000-000-0")
this.Title = title;
this.PageCount = pageCount;
this.ISBN = isbn;