Friday, July 8, 2011

Installing and configuring Google Web Toolkit and Eclipse.

Hi every one. In this post I’ll demonstrate the steps to install and configuring Eclipse and Google web toolkit. First of all what is GWT is? GWT or Google Web Toolkit is an open source development tool kit from Google. GWT is optimized for AJAX based complex applications. To work GWT you must know basics of Java and Web Development.

Mostly user IDE for GWT based applications is Eclipse but not necessarily you can use any IDE of your choice for Java (e.g. Net beans). 

GWT has many components not just SDK. It has plug in for Eclipse, GWT Designer lets you create user interfaces in minutes with tools for intelligent layout assist, drag-and-drop, and automatic code generation.

You will need the Java SDK version 1.5 or later. If necessary, download and install the Java SE Development Kit (JDK) for your platform. Mac users, see Apple's Java developer site to download and install the latest version of the Java Developer Kit available for Mac OS X.

Then download Eclipse. I used Eclipse 3.7 Indigo. You can download it from here.

 After Installing Eclipse got menu Help -> Install New Software and in Work with text box enter this Uri

If you are using different version of Eclipse change the 3.7 with your version. Now click Add, and in pan below it will show two Options. "Plugin" and "SDK's" Select both options and click Finish. It will take a while to install these two items.

After Installing both plug in and SDK, Restart eclipse and go to menu File -> New -> Web Application Project. A Popup will appear. Name your package carefully as it should be unique and will later be used as identity on the App store. Don't forget to select "Use Google Web Toolkit" as show in image.




for more help visit


I hope this will be helpful. Comments and suggestions are welcomed. 

Happy coding :)